LaunchPad tweaks for WPMU

LaunchPad is a great WordPress theme for parked domains — allows you to accept requests for rss subscriptions to your site while you are still in development, thus you can build a database of people interested in your website before you even launch.  I’m using it with a WPMU project of mine and had to tweak a couple of the files to get the functionality I liked.  Here’s the files and the changes:

themes/launchpad/index.php      changed around line 29 that read:

<p class=”rss-subscribe”><a href=”<?php if($lp_feedburner_address) { echo $lp_feedburner_address; } else { bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); }?>”


<p class=”rss-subscribe”><a href=””

obviously put in your own domain name where it says

I also changed the footer to be kind of an advertisement for myself as the developer of the project, by changing around line 42 from:

<p>Powered by <a href=”” title=”WordPress”>WordPress</a>, <a href=”” title=”Google FeedBurner”>Google FeedBurner</a> and <a href=”” title=”A ThemeShaper Theme”>ThemeShaper</a>.</p>


<p>Powered by <a href=”” title=”WordPress Mu”>WPMU</a>, php/mysql application development and customization by <a href=”” title=””>iWebspider</a>, lead developer <a href=”” title=”Stefan Christain Densmore”>Stefan Christian Densmore</a>.</p>